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Image / Alte Sklavin

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Alte Sklavin
An old woman slave
Wuhrmann, Anna (Ms)
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
University of Southern California. Libraries
Contributing Institution
University of Southern California Digital Library
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
Rights Information
All the images (photographic and non-photographic) made available in this collection are the property of the Basel Mission and are managed by mission 21. mission 21 / Basel Mission claim copyright on the images in their possession and require those publishing any of the images--both individuals and organisations--to pay a user's/copyright fee.
Contact the Archives of mission21 at address mentioned or at
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Note: " ... im Besitz der Königsmutter Njapndunke, ca. 1912-15, Druck 1916." (Ch. M. Geary 1988: 44,131). - "Alte Sklavin. Brustbild von vornen. Dem alten zusammengeschrumpften Weiblein ist es schon 'an der Wiege' gesungen worden, dass sein Lebensgang ein schwerer sein würde. Schon als Sklavenkind hat es das Licht der Welt erblickt, und schon früh, war es dazu ausersehen einen dornenvollen Weg zu gehn. Schwere Lasten hat wohl die alte Frau in ihrem Leben viele getragen, auf dem Kopf und auf dem Herzen, und es ist kein Wunder, wenn das alte Gesicht etwas Vergrämtes hat. Freilich, der späte Lebensabend ist noch 'licht'. Ein innerlich vornehmer Königsbruder hat die alte Sklavin, die wohl herrenlos war, aufgenommen und sie in seinem Gehöfte zur 'Grossmutter' avancieren lassen, d.h. die einzige Arbeit, die sie noch tut, besteht im Überwachen der kleinen Kinder des Königsbruders. Schwere Lasten liegen nicht mehr auf ihrem Haupte, aber Freundlichkeit und Liebe umgiebt sie. Freilich haben nicht alle Sklaven einen so ruhigen Lebensabend, viele werden, wenn sie alt und schwach geworden sind, von ihrer Herrschaft verstossen und verjagt, viele gehen auf diese Weise elendiglich zu Grunde. Erst das Christentum muss unser Volk lehren, dass auch der Sklave ein vollberechtigter, gleichwertiger Mensch ist, der das Recht hat, auch menschlich behandelt zu werden." (Wuhrmann, A., 1917. Beschreibung zu den Lichtbildern aus Bamum. E-30-0,6).
Note translation: "... slave owned by Queen Mother Njapundunke, c.1912-15, print 1916." (C.M. Geary 1988:44,131). - The old slave woman. Head and shoulders from the front. This little old shrunken lady was fated from her cradle onwards to live a hard life. Already when she first saw the light of day she was a slave child and was, by her status, chosen, as it were, to walk a thorny path. The old lady will have carried many heavy loads in her life, both on her head, and in her heart. It is no wonder that the old face looks careworn. It is true that, in the evening of her life, things are better for her. A brother of the King, a man whose nobility is truly in his heart, took the old slave, who was probably without a mastor, into his compound, and promoted her to the rank of grandmother. Her only work now is looking after the little children of the King s brother. She has to carry no more heavy loads on her head, and friendliness and love surround her. But not all slaves have such a peaceful evening in their lives. Many are dirven away when they are old and weak, and many suffer and die under this treatment. Christiantiy must teach our people that the slave is a human being too, to be treated as one s equal and as equally valuable, a person with the right to be treated humanely. (A. Wuhrmann, Commentaries to the Slides from Bamum, E-30-0,6. K. 369).
b/w positive, paper print, collodion
11.2 x 8.2 cm.
impa-m28889 [Legacy record ID]
Portrait f
Slave f
Time Period
E-30.32.061 [Reference number]
QE-30.006.0171 [Same image reference number]
Cameroon. Grasslands. Bamum. 1. Njoya's journey to the coast (early 1908). 2. Njoya's country seat and farms. 3. Group portraits from Bamum. 4. Portraits of men and boys. 5. Mose Yeyab. 6. Portraits of women and girls
Historical Photographs from the Basel Mission
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
impa-m15099; impa-m17057
mission 21 / Basel Mission

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