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Image / Girl with an elephant at the Malibu Remuda, 1947

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Girl with an elephant at the Malibu Remuda, 1947
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Pepperdine University Libraries
Contributing Institution
Pepperdine University, Special Collections and University Archives
Malibu Historical Photograph Collection
Rights Information
Copyright to photographs in this collection, in most cases, is retained by Pepperdine University. Images are intended for educational and research use, and may be used for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution. Organizations and individuals seeking to use images for publication must assume all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright. Such parties should contact Pepperdine University Special Collections and University Archives.
Sandy Peck poses with an elephant, which appeared in the "society circus" of the Malibu Remuda. The Malibu Remuda, a two-day celebration of Malibu's culture and heritage held September 27-28, 1947, took its name from the corral that vaqueros would use to select a horse for the day. The event featured this impressive display of horses (over 900 riders) on both days, in addition to the circus, a "western bathing beauty contest," aquatic races, and an air show. The Malibu Remuda was sponsored by the Malibu post of the American Legion, and proceeds were intended to fund the building of a local post clubhouse. Although it was billed as the first of an annual event, the tradition would fail to catch on.
Circus animals
Malibu (Calif.)
Circuses & shows
Malibu Times Photographs 0112

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