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Image / 243 East Blithedale, 1983 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983

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243 East Blithedale, 1983 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983
Warren A., Staiger
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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243 East Blithedale This two story tan stucco home is seen through front yard shrubs and trees. There is a large picture window on the right front single story section and another large window on set back section on the left. The second story is set back further, each section with a separate gable. The description from the 1983 Walk into History reads, "The original house on this site was built before 1900. A Mrs. Stevens lived here with her two sons until 1918. Elmer Stevens worked as a delivery boy for Gus Oppenheimer's Pacific Market, first with a horse and wagon and later with a Ford truck (after 1920). Frank Stevens operated an auto repair shop behind Dowd's stable. The house was purchased in 1918 by a contractor builder (Pritchard) who demolished the old house and constructed the present building in the 20's. There is no record of the Stevens family after 1925."
East Blithedale

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