Deleagtion fra Det Mellemkirkelige Råd bestående af: Biskop Erik Norman Svendsen og hustru Margit, Biskop Niels Henrik Arendt, Formand Paul Verner Skærved og hustru Birthe, Sognepræst Jørgen Christensen, Sekretariatschef Ane Hjerrild og Personalesekretær hos Danmission Eva Madsen i Cairo maj 2003 Delegation of the Inter-Religious Council consisting of: Bishop Erik Norman Svendsen and his wi
Deleagtion of the Inter-Religious Council consisting of: Bishop Erik Norman Svendsen and his wife Margit, Bishop Niels Henrik Arendt, President Paul Verner Skærved and wife Birthe, Vicar Jørgen Christensen, Head of Secretariat Ane Hjerrild and Staff Secretary at Danmission Eva Madsen in Cairo in May 2003Biskop Benjamine m. fl.Bishop Benjamine and others
Danmission Det Danske Missionsselskab Danish Missionary Society DMS Egypten Cairo FOLDER215 Church delegation visit 2003 Kirkeledere Church leaders Kirke Mission Church Mission Kirkedelegations besøg 2003 Biskop Benjamine Bishop Benjamine
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