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/ Oral History of Elizabeth Muller Mielenz

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Oral History of Elizabeth Muller Mielenz
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Elizabeth Muller was born in San Francisco on August 30, 1912 and brought directly to the family home at Buena Vista and Oakdale. Her father was William Muller (no middle name), a German immigrant, and her mother was Elizabeth Haste Muller. Her brother was William Haste Muller. She recalls Mill Valley as being "rugged," with muddy streets, and going to Kentfield by train on May Day to celebrate by dancing around a Maypole. She went to Old Mill, Park and Summit schools, and then to Tam High. She went to College of Marin for a year, got her secondary teaching credential at U.C. Berkeley and her higher credentials at San Francisco State. Her first teaching job was at Homestead School in Mill Valley. Among her "outstanding" students were Chip Collins, a famous doctor, Jane Marsh, the opera singer, and the interviewer, Gene Stocking. She eventually also taught at Old Mill, Park and Edna Maguire schools. She also recalls the big 1929 fire, in which her aunt Lou lost her house on West Blithedale, and various stores in Mill Valley where her family shopped. She married Harvey Mielenz, a travel agent, affording them a lot of travel opportunities. Elizabeth served as president of the Outdoor Art Club in 1974-75.
1929 Fire
Collins, Chip
Downtown districts
Edmisten, Carol
Edna Maguire School
Homestead School
Marigold Gift Shop
Marsh, Jane
Mielenz, Elizabeth Muller
Mielenz, Harvey
Mountain Play
Muller, Elizabeth Haste
Muller, William
Muller, William Haste
MV history - Interwar years
Old Mill School
Oral history - Education
Oral history - Local business
Outdoor Art Club
Stocking, Gene
Stores & shops
Tamalpais High School

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