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Image / Woman with crocus sack, La Guajira, Colombia, 1976

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Woman with crocus sack, La Guajira, Colombia, 1976
Cross, Richard, 1950-1983
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
California State University, Northridge
Contributing Institution
California State University, Northridge
Richard Cross Photographs (Bradley Center)
Rights Information
Use of images from the collections of the Tom & Ethel Bradley Center is strictly prohibited by law without prior written consent from the copyright holders. The responsibility for the use of these materials rests exclusively with the user.
The Bradley Center may assist in obtaining copyright/licensing permission to use images from the Richard Cross collection.
A woman in La Guajira, holding two burlap sacks filled with coal. La Guajira is a department (similar to what would be identified as a state) in the northeast region of Colombia. It occupies an area bordered by Venezuela and the Caribbean Sea. Riohacha is the capital of La Guajira. La Guajira is known for its deserts, Caribbean coastal regions, sand dunes, fishing villages and its indigenous people (such as the Wayuu people). Coal mining is a significant source of revenue for the economy in La Guajira. The region is home to Cerrejón, the largest coal mine in Latin America and the 10th largest in the world (extending almost 300 square miles). There are ongoing disputes between human rights organizations in the region and coal mining industries about the environmental impacts of the mining.
Una mujer en La Guajira, sosteniendo dos sacos llenos de carbón. La Guajira es un departamento (similar al que se identificaría como un estado) en la región noreste de Colombia. Ocupa una zona bordeada por Venezuela y el Mar Caribe. Riohacha es la capital de La Guajira. La Guajira es conocida por sus desiertos, regiones costeras del Caribe, dunas de arena, pueblos pesqueros y sus pueblos indígenas (especialmente el pueblo wayú). La minería del carbón es una fuente importante de ingresos para la economía en La Guajira. La región es el hogar de Cerrejón, la mina de carbón más grande de América Latina y la décima más grande del mundo (que se extiende casi 300 millas cuadradas). Hay disputas en curso entre organizaciones de derechos humanos en la región y las industrias mineras de carbón sobre los impactos ambientales de la minería.
Black-And-White Negatives
35 mm
La Guajira (Colombia : Department)
Richard Cross Photographs
California State University Northridge. University Library. Special Collections & Archives. Tom & Ethel Bradley Center

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