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Image / Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 52, group portrait of officers, Orange…

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Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 52, group portrait of officers, Orange, California, ca. 1900
Hartsook, Fred Santa Ana
Date Created and/or Issued
ca. 1900
Publication Information
Orange Public Library
Contributing Institution
Orange Public Library and History Center
Orange Public Library Local History Collection
Rights Information
For information on copyrights and permissions, please contact Orange Public Library, Orange, California.
Group portrait of the officers of the Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 52 of the Daughters of Rebekah, the women's association affiliated with the International Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.), Orange Lodge No. 225, in Orange, California, ca. 1900. The women are wearing gowns and the Rebekah officer's regalia. Identified in the front row, left to right, are: 1. [unidentified]; 2. Mrs. D. P. Crawford ("Noble Grand"); 3. Mrs. Evan Davis; 4. [unidentified] Back row, left to right: 1. Miss Getchell; 2. Mrs. Alfred Leech; 3. [unidentified]; 4. Mrs. Janie Varcoe; 5. Mrs. Horace Lucy; 6. Mrs. Ethelyn Morgan. At this time the group met in a room over Watson's Drug Store, 118. E. Chapman Avenue. Front of mount board impressed in lower right corner with "Hartsook", for the photographer Fred Santa Ana Hartsook (1876-1930), who arrived in California in 1898.
Photographic slide
15 x 20.5 cm.
Group portraits
Ruby Rebekah Lodge--Orange (Calif.)
Daughters of Rebekah
Crawford, Annie C
Davis, Evan, Mrs
Getchell, Miss
Leech, Louane E
Varcoe, Alice Janie
Lucy, Horace, Mrs
Morgan, Ethelyn M

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