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Image / Sarah L. Knox-Goodrich (Excerpted from: History of Santa Clara…

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Sarah L. Knox-Goodrich (Excerpted from: History of Santa Clara County, California, Alley, Bowen, 1881)
Alley, Vowen & Co., San Francisco
Santa Clara History Center Collection
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Santa Clara City Library
Contributing Institution
Santa Clara City Library
Santa Clara City Library Silicon Valley History Online Collection
Rights Information
Santa Clara City Library can only claim physical ownership of the collection. Users are responsible for satisfying any claims of the copyright holder. Permission to copy or publish any portion of Santa Clara City Library's collection must be given by Santa Clara City Library. Santa Clara City Library can only claim physical ownership of the collection. Users are responsible for satisfying any claims of the copyright holder. Permission to copy or publish any portion of Santa Clara City Library's collection must be given by Santa Clara City Library.
Sarah L. Knox-Goodrich is the only woman who has a portrait and biographical sketch in this 1881 History of Santa Clara County. These types of county histories were published all over the United States in the 1880s. The history part of the book was paid for by the people who would buy the book if their biography was included in the biographical section on early settlers. It is very rare for a woman to have a biography in an 1880s county history. The biographical sketch of Mrs. Knox-Goodrich mentions her work on behalf of her sex including involvement with Suffrage Associations at local, state and national levels. Includes two pages. This is a recent gift, donated in poor condition and without cover. Three other copies of this title are in SCCL Locked case collection. Have been using this copy as an office copy to make photocopies from. So don't worry if scanning further loosens bindings.
24 x 17 cm.
cstcl 979.473 H67 Case
Biography; Books; Knox-Goodrich, Sarah L.; People; Portraits; San Jose (Calif.); Santa Clara County (Calif.)--History; Women; Women's suffrage--California--San Jose
lcsh, local, tgm I

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