Property rights reside with the Anaheim Public Library. Literary rights are generally retained by the creators of the records and their heirs. For permission to publish or to reproduce, please contact the Local History Curator.
Accession number: P3352 Photograph loaned for re-copying by Pansy Pellegrin Van Oost. Photograph re-copied by Ray Pound. Anaheim Union Water Comany Employees, Anaheim, taken October 13, 1937; image shows group portrait of 22 men standing in front of corregated tin warehouse; men in front row are identified left to right as: Kendall Yorba (Yorba Linda zanjero, i.e. water master); Tom Carrillo (pumper #1); H. C. Sliger (truck and pumper); Boyd Casey (truck driver); Geo Holditch (electrician); E. Van Oost (head gate zanjero); E. A. Hatfield (repair man); A. Martinez (cement worker); G. Lemus (laborer); M.W. Archer (chief mechanic); W. B. Parrett (head zanjero); back row, left to right: O.A. Schenck (Fullerton zanjero); Ralph Navarro (Yorba Linda zanjero); Lloyd Archer (Placentia zanjero); A. Gutierrez (laborer); R. Gutierrez (laborer); R. Navarro (retired; 1876-1937); Ramon Navarro (teamster); D. Macial (cement worker); A. D. Sliger (pumper, Halliday); Ed Daniels (extra zanjero); William T. Wallop (superintendent)
3 Photographic prints : b&w ; 8 x 10 in. 1 Photographic print : sepia ; 8 x 10 in.
Wallop, William Thomas--1882-1973 Yorba, Kendell--act. ca. 1937 Carrillo, Tom--act. ca. 1937 Sliger, H. Clayton--act. ca. 1937 Holditch, George--act. ca. 1937 Martinez, A--act. ca. 1937 Lemus, Gonzalo--act. ca. 1937 Archer, Mervine W--act. ca. 1937 Parrett, Walter B--act. ca. 1937 Schenck, Orville A--act. ca. 1937 Archer, Lloyd--act. ca. 1937 Gutierrez, A--act. ca. 1937 Gutierrez, G--act. ca. 1937 Navarro, Ramon--act. ca. 1937 Macial, D--act. ca. 1937 Sliger, Adam D--act. ca. 1937 Daniels, Ed--act. ca. 1937 Van Oost, Ernst Navarro, Rafael--ca. 1890 Anaheim Union Water Company--1884-1969--California--Anaheim Anaheim Union Water Company
Anaheim Union Water Company 1884-1969 California Anaheim
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