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Cadets from the Hitchock Military Academy pictured here from the 1912-1913 yearbook, march through San Rafael on parade. The school was originally named Selborne School and located on Grand Avenue between Elm and Belle Streets in San Rafael, California. In 1899, the Selborne School was destroyed by fire, and in 1907 the principles built a replacement school in the Dominican neighborhood of San Rafael and named it the Hitchcock Military Academy. The location pictured here is in the Dominican neighborhood of San Rafael, a few miles from the school's original location. Boys attending Hitchcock performed military drills every day of the week except Saturday and Sunday and participated in a dress parade and review each Friday. The school was later reformulated with the Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy and became the Tamalpais School. The school was sold in 1955 to the Marist Society of California and named the St. Peter Chanel Seminary. Today the property is home to Marin Ballet School, the Marin Tennis Club and Trinity Community Church.
Private schools--California--Marin County Military education--California--Marin County Parades Cadets Selborne School (San Rafael, Calif.) Bates School Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy (San Rafael, Calif.) Hitchcock School Hitchcock Military Academy (San Rafael, Calif.) Tamalpais School (San Rafael, Calif.) Hitchcock, Charles Marianists Bates, Octavious John Seymour Cavendish St. Peter Chanel Seminary Marin Ballet School Marin Tennis Club Trinity Community Church
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