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Image / An Open letter to Chancellor Heyns, May 15, 1969

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An Open letter to Chancellor Heyns, May 15, 1969
Berkeley Free Church
York, Richard L
Date Created and/or Issued
May 15, 1969
Publication Information
Graduate Theological Union
South Campus Community Ministry
Contributing Institution
Graduate Theological Union
Berkeley Free Church Collection
Rights Information
Public domain
Material is in the public domain. No restrictions on use.
Richard York read this open letter with a few modifications at the rally to save People's Park on May 15, 1969, in Sproul Plaza. The letter was written by York, Anthony Nugent and Jock Brown, and approved by the SCCM board of trustees. Dan Siegel, president-elect of the student body, followed York's statement, telling the crowd to go down and take back the park. This led to the confrontation between protesters and police known as Bloody Thursday. Several protesters were shot -- James Rector ultimately died from wounds received that day and Alan Blanchard was blinded --and a number of policemen were injured. York's speech appears in several documentaries about People's Park. The speech is also captured on Pacifica Radio's recording of events called The Battle of People's Park.
Letter; 8 1/2 x 11 in. (21.6 x 27.9 cm.).
GTU 89-5-016;
People's Park (Berkeley, Calif.)
York, Richard L
Heyns, Roger W. ( 1918-1995)
People's Park (Berkeley, Calif.)--History
Berkeley (Calif.)

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