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The North Pacific Coast Railroad ran narrow gauge trains, like the one pictured circa 1890, throughout Marin County. Here, a wood burning locomotive pulling multiple passenger cars nears Escalle Station in Larkspur, California, circa 1890. Escalle Station serviced Jean Escalle's Vineyard and Inn. The property was originally leased in 1874 by Claude Callot. He and Escalle changed operations from brickmaking to a vineyard in the late 1880s. Prohibition and plant disease compromised the business, but by then the property had developed into a inn where guests enjoyed music, food and bocce ball. The North Pacific Coast Railroad began running trains on January 7th, 1875 and transported redwood lumber, local dairy and agricultural products, as well as express cars and passengers. It operated almost 93 miles of track that extended from a pier in Sausalito (which connected the line via ferry to San Francisco) northwest to Cazadero. In 1902, the railroad was sold to the North Shore Railroad, and in 1907 became part of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad.
Railroads--California--Marin County North Pacific Coast Railroad Company North Shore Railroad Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company Escalle, Jean Callot, Claude
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