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Image / Cuba - Province of Havana - Havana: The upper end of the …

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Cuba - Province of Havana - Havana: The upper end of the Avenida de los Presidentes, the broad park-centered boulevard running up from the Malecon thro [through] the Vedado district which once was a strategic fort in the city's defense system. At this upper end the monument to Jose Miguel Gomez who was President of Cuba from 1909-1913, elected during the second American intervention. President Gomez is known as the most typical and popular of Cuba's presidents
James C. Sawders
Gifford M. Mast
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Keystone View Company
Contributing Institution
UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography
Keystone-Mast Collection
Rights Information
REQUIRED CREDIT LINE MUST STATE: Keystone-Mast Collection, UCR/California Museum of Photography, University of California at Riverside. Please contact UCR/California Museum of Photography for information about the copyright status of this item. Some materials in these collections may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). In addition, the reproduction, and/or commercial use, of some materials may be restricted by gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, privacy and publicity rights, licensing agreement(s), and/or trademark rights. Distribution or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. To the extent other restrictions apply, permission for distribution or reproduction from the applicable rights holder is also required. Responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
Cuba - Province of Havana - Havana: The upper end of the Avenida de los Presidentes, the broad park-centered boulevard running up from the Malecon thro [through] the Vedado district which once was a strategic fort in the city's defense system. At this upper end the monument to Jose Miguel Gomez who was President of Cuba from 1909-1913, elected during the second American intervention. President Gomez is known as the most typical and popular of Cuba's presidents.
Keystone photo print 7.18 in. x 4.18 in.
Cities & towns
Monuments & memorials
North and Central America
Ciudad de la Habana
La Habana
Latitude: 21 30 N
Longitude: 080 00 W

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