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Image / Faire- Part, documentation

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Faire- Part, documentation
Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive
Contributing Institution
UC Berkeley, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Art Collection Highlights - Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
30 slides documenting Cha's text installation "Faire-Part." "Faire-Part" consists of black press type and black ink on 15 envelopes. The envelopes are photographed front and verso. Handwritten in pencil on 6 of the slides is "Cha, Hak Kyung T/ Art Practice / Netherlands 2/1976/ Envelopes / Transfer Letters 4x5." Each of the 6 slides is numbered with a roman numeral I-IV. It is unclear as to the meaning of "Art Practice / Netherlands 2/ 1976." In her biography there is no notation of an exhibition in the Netherlands under the year 1976. Cha studied at the Centre D' Etudes Americaine du Cinema, Paris, France in 1976.
The title "Faire-Part" translates to announcement, notification. Words are printed on the envelopes individually or as sentences. Cha manipulates the language through isolating words/ letters, removing from context and reducing words/ language to minimal units. Cha leads the viewer to discover the multiple meanings and layers of language. She is expressing the language and nature of communication.
See museum #1992.4.67/132
The slides were discovered in a tin slide case. Another set of slides documenting Faire-Part was in the case. See museum #1992.4.132.
Documentation 30 color slides. w1.5 x h1 inches
Cha Collection
Artists' Books

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