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Image / A man in contemplation

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A man in contemplation
Hibi, Hisako
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Japanese American National Museum (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Contributing Institution
Japanese American National Museum
Hibi (Hisako) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Unframed stretched canvas. Image of a man sitting on the ground by a rock. On the left is a barbed wire fence and a guard tower in the upper corner. There are mountains in the distance.
Most of Hisako Hibi's camp paintings are characterized by an experimentation with perspective and a focus on the landscape of the camp where she and her family were incarcerated. This painting is no exception to this, with its high horizon line and outdoor setting. A figure sits slumped against a grassy mound near the barbed-wire fence which outlined the perimeter of the Topaz concentration camp. A guard tower can be seen in the distance against the backdrop of the mountain range. The perspective is slightly askew, making the landscape slightly unreadable. The fence, in this case, appears to be much taller than it seems in Hibi's other paintings. The presence of the fence and guard tower disrupts the beautiful lushness of the field and the repose of the figure.
Painting oil on canvas
Concentration Camps, Topaz | mountain | fence | barbed wire | man | rock

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