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Dataset / Locus 66, Area A, Area Stratum Ia

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Locus 66, Area A, Area Stratum Ia
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
UC San Diego, Research Data Curation Program
Khirbat en-Nahas Project (Jordan)
Rights Information
Under copyright
Constraint(s) on Use: This work is protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use of this work beyond that allowed by "fair use" or any license applied to this work requires written permission of the copyright holder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made to the UC San Diego Library program having custody of the work.
Use: This work is available from the UC San Diego Library. This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, and private study.
Rights Holder and Contact
UC Regents
WA (Wall) -- Wall of possible corral. -- Wall - corral near W entrance GW -- SE part of a circular corral (?) built on the slope that accumulated west of the gateway complex, adjacent to the wsetern casemate wall. Wall built of stones that -- The corral must post date the main phase of occupation because it makes use of the ruin's stones and because it is built over the slope created by the collapse. The
Research Data Curation Program, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 (
E-western casemate wall, other directions no clear limits because the wall was found protruding over topsoil.
Locus below: 68
Abandoned. No signs of deliberate destruction. -- Narrow entrance (ca. 60cm wide) on the west-north/west. No clear signs of organic remains that would identify the corral as an animal pen, though such -- probably were removed from the casemate and gate ruins. Construction crude and basic, using remains of earlier walls on the west and east. -- exact or even approximate date is inconclusive due to the lack of finds. -- remains could disappear after a prolongued period, especially if the corral was used for a short period only. Part removed - E-W axis.
Area stratum Ia

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