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Port of departure: Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia Port of arrival: San Diego, California The Hydrographic Doppler Sonar System (HDSS) on the R/V Revelle provides profiles of absolute ocean current and acoustic scattering strength in support of scientific operations. The HDSS consists of a 50 kHz Doppler sonar which returns data in a depth range between 20 m and 700-1100 m (depending on conditions), and a 140 kHz Doppler sonar which returns data in a depth range between 20 m and 150-350 m (depending on conditions). The system was created to provide measurements with higher depth resolution than is available from commercial Doppler sonars. Both the acoustic pulse length and the angular width of an acoustic beam affect depth resolution. HDSS uses large transducers to get narrower beams and greater power to get greater range without sacrificing vertical resolution. Just as ocean bathymetry is routinely collected from research vessels, the HDSS has the parallel tasks of monitoring ocean currents and acoustic scattering wherever the R/V Revelle sails, while simultaneously supporting individual science missions. The established policy is to have the system running and recording data at all times that the ship is underway, unless restricted by political regulation or acoustic interference. National Science Foundation (U.S.) Office of Naval Research Research Data Curation Program, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 (https://lib.ucsd.edu/rdcp) Inquiries on any aspect of the HDSS data should be directed to Amy F. Waterhouse (awaterhouse@ucsd.edu) or San Nguyen (stn004@ucsd.edu) from the Multiscale Ocean Dynamics group. Pinkel, Robert; Goldin, Michael; Bui, Mai; Nguyen, San; Sun, Oliver; Waterhouse, Amy F.; Alford, Matthew H.; MacKinnon, Jennifer A.; Klymak, Jody; Begler, Christian (2020). HDSS RR1214 Cruise Data. In Hydrographic Doppler Sonar System (HDSS): Acoustic ocean current profiling data from the R/V Revelle. UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. https://doi.org/10.6075/J00C4T5X
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Hydrographic Doppler Sonar System (HDSS) Sonar Ocean currents RR1214 Nuku Hiva (French Polynesia) Northeast Pacific Ocean (180W) San Diego (California)
Nuku Hiva (French Polynesia) Northeast Pacific Ocean (180W) San Diego (California)
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