Testimony of José Barrio, interview with Scott Boehm and Jorge Rojo, January 29, 2009
Asociación de Ex-presos y Represaliados Políticos Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica Federación Estatal de Foros por la Memoria Boehm, Scott Rojo, Jorge Barrio, José University of California, San Diego
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Barrio, José
José Barrio nació en 1917 en Segovia. José recuerda que su familia se trasladó a Madrid cuando él era niño. Recuenta que cuando estalló la Guerra Civil, él y su hermano menor se unieron voluntariamente al Ejército Republicano. José nota que cuando tenía dieciocho años se hizo capitán del ejército. Cuenta que peleó en el frente de Castellón. Mientras estaba de descanso en Madrid, recibió noticia de que su hermano menor había muerto en combate. José relata que estuvo detenido en un campo de concentración al finalizar la guerra y posteriormente estuvo encarcelado en la cárcel de Ocaña por aproximadamente un mes. José explica que después de ser dejado en libertad, trabajó para Standard Electric. Actualmente recibe una pensión por su servicio militar. José comenta que su pareja, Carmen Ibáñez, ha luchado por muchos años y sin éxito para que su pensión sea ajustada y refleje su rango militar. José Barrio was born in 1917 in Segovia. José remembers that his family moved to Madrid when he was a child. He recounts that at the outbreak of the Civil War, he and his younger brother voluntarily joined the Republican Army. José tells of being a captain in the army at age eighteen. He recalls fighting in the Castellón front. While on leave in Madrid, he received news that his younger brother had died in battle. José relates his detention in a concentration camp at the end of the war and his subsequent incarceration in the Ocaña prison for approximately one month. José explains that after being released, he worked for Standard Electric. He currently receives a pension for his military service. José comments that his partner, Carmen Ibáñez, has fought for many years and without success to have his pension adjusted to reflect his military rank Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 (https://lib.ucsd.edu/sca) Interviews in Spanish José Barrio's testimony was recorded in his home in Majadahonda Testimony of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship Barrio, José. Testimony of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist Dictatorship. University of California, San Diego, 2009 Majadahonda, Spain, Spanish Civil War Memory Project
moving image
1 video file : digital, sound, color
Personal narratives-Spanish Oral history Nonfiction films Interviews Civil War (Spain : 1936-1939) History Spain Madrid (Spain)
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