Calvo, Blake Chang, Peter Ehwerhemuepha, Louis Gates, Quinn Grant, Kenneth Janchoi, Jamie Martin-King, Chloe Miklavcic, John Nael, Ali Ornelas, Elisa Perez, Melissa Venderby, Andrea
Calvo, Blake Chang, Peter Ehwerhemuepha, Louis Gates, Quinn Grant, Kenneth Janchoi, Jamie Martin-King, Chloe Miklavcic, John Nael, Ali Ornelas, Elisa Perez, Melissa Venderby, Andrea
Under copyright Constraint(s) on Use: This work is protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use of this work beyond that allowed by "fair use" or any license applied to this work requires written permission of the copyright holder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made to the UC San Diego Library program having custody of the work. Use: This work is available from the UC San Diego Library. This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, and private study.
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Scan 22_E_EP_E -- The dataset consists of 951 tissue section scans taken from 167 H&E-stained whole slides from 18 pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Slide section scans are provided as-is without any initial image pre-processing, normalization, or cropping. Labels are provided at the patient, slide (anatomic site), and section (tissue slice) levels. Each slide is labelled with biopsy site and normal or abnormal classification per the surgical pathology report. Each tissue section scan from an abnormal slide is further classified as normal or abnormal by pathologist. Files may be viewed and annotated using standard, opensource slide-viewing software, such as Aperio ImageScope, OpenSlide, TiffSlide, and QuPath. Research Data Curation Program, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 ( Martin-King, Chloe; Nael, Ali; Ehwerhemuepha, Louis; Calvo, Blake; Gates, Quinn; Janchoi, Jamie; Ornelas, Elisa; Perez, Melissa; Venderby, Andrea; Miklavcic, John; Chang, Peter; Grant, Kenneth (2024). CIL:56379, Homo sapiens. In Cell Image Library. UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. Dataset.
No linguistic content
Pediatric inflamatory bowel disease Homo sapiens Cell Image Library Group ID: 20126
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