Society Islands 2021-05 (Expedition) - Tetiaroa (Island) - Raw Images
Sandin Lab, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Direction de l'Environnement de la Polynésie française (DIREN) Direction des Ressources Marines de la Polynésie française (DRM) California State University, Monterey Bay Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l’Environnement (CRIOBE) University of Washington
Under copyright Constraint(s) on Use: This work is protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use of this work beyond that allowed by "fair use" or any license applied to this work requires written permission of the copyright holder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made to the UC San Diego Library program having custody of the work. Use: This work is available from the UC San Diego Library. This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, and private study.
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In May of 2021, the 100 Island Challenge team visited Tetiaroa to collect large-area imagery as part of the Society Islands 2021-05 expedition. The imagery collected here established permanent sites that can later be resurveyed as part of the 100 Island Challenge Project. For each site, a preview image and the raw digital images used to create composite large-area image products of the underwater sites have been made available. A general description of the methods used to acquire the images can be found in a README.txt file for each site. Site specific metadata can be found within a METADATA.txt file for each site. 100 Island Challenge Project, Scripps Institution of Oceanography NSF Division of Ocean Sciences Grant Number 1829509 Research Data Curation Program, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 ( 100 Island Challenge Project (2022). Society Islands 2021-05 (Expedition) - Tetiaroa (Island) - Raw Images. In 100 Island Challenge Collection. UC San Diego Library Digital Collections.
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Large-area imagery Coral reef Pacific Ocean Society Islands French Polynesia Tropical South Pacific 100 Island Challenge - Society Islands (Expedition) 100 Island Challenge - Tetiaroa (Island)
Pacific Ocean Society Islands French Polynesia Tropical South Pacific
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