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Moving Image / Testimony of Pere Fortuny i Velázquez, Interview with Andrea Davis and Elize …

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Testimony of Pere Fortuny i Velázquez, Interview with Andrea Davis and Elize Mazadiego; June 25 and 26, 2009
Davis, Andrea
Mazadiego, Elize
Asociación de Ex-presos y Represaliados Políticos
Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica
Federación Estatal de Foros por la Memoria
University of California, San Diego
Fortuny i Velázquez, Pere
Date Created and/or Issued
June 25 and 26, 2009
Contributing Institution
UC San Diego, Special Collections and Archives
Spanish Civil War Memory Project
Rights Information
Under copyright
Constraint(s) on Use: This work is protected by the copyright law. Use of this work beyond that allowed by the applicable copyright statute requires written permission of the copyright holder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made to the UC San Diego Library program having custody of the work.
Use: This work is available from the UC San Diego Library. This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, and private study.
Rights Holder and Contact
Fortuny i Velázquez, Pere
Pere Fortuny i Velázquez nació en 1933 en Mollet del Vallès. Pere recuenta que su padre, un miembro de la Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Izquierda Republicana de Cataluña), actuaba como consejero y alcalde de Mollet entre 1933 y 1939. Recuerda que antes de que las tropas Franquistas entraran a Mollet en 1939, su familia escapó hacia Francia. Al llegar a la frontera francesa, su padre siguió solo. El resto de la familia se quedó cerca de la frontera y después se trasladaron a Badalona. Pere relata que durante su ausencia el cura del pueblo ocupó su casa y su negocio, robándoles muchas de sus pertenencias. Cuando regresaron, el cura no les permitió volver a su casa. Su padre regresó a España y estuvo detenido en un campo de concentración en León y luego en la Cárcel Modelo de Barcelona. Pere describe cómo el cura intervino en la ejecución de su padre, prohibiendo que los habitantes del pueblo firmaran una petición para conmutar su pena de muerte. Explica que el cura no permitió que él y su hermana asistieran a la escuela pública y prohibió que los habitantes del pueblo vendieran alimentos a su familia. Pere señala su papel como co-fundador de L'Associació pro Memòria als Immolats per la Llibertat a Catalunya (la asociación por la memoria de aquellos sacrificados por la libertad de Cataluña) y sus esfuerzos actuales por la recuperación de la memoria histórica.
Pere Fortuny i Velázquez was born in 1933 in Mollet del Vallès. Pere recounts that his father, a member of the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Republican Left of Catalonia), acted as advisor and mayor of Mollet between 1933 and 1939. He recalls that before the Francoist troops entered Mollet in 1939, his family escaped toward France. Upon reaching the French border, Pere's father continued alone. The rest of the family stayed near the border, then moved to Badalona. Pere relates that during their absence the town priest occupied their house and business, robbing them of many of their possessions. When they returned, the priest did not allow them to move back into their home. Pere's father returned to Spain and was detained in a concentration camp in León and subsequently in Barcelona's Modelo Prison. He describes how the priest intervened in his father's execution, prohibiting the town's people from signing a petition to commute the death sentence. Pere explains that the priest did not allow him and his sister to attend public school and prohibited the town's people from selling food to his family. Pere discusses his role as co-founder of L'Associació pro Memòria als Immolats per la Llibertat a Catalunya (the association for the memory of those sacrificed for the liberty of Catalonia) and his current efforts toward the recuperation of historical memory
Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 (
Testimony of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship
Interviews in Spanish
Pere Fortuny i Velázquez testimony was recorded in his office in Mollet del Vallès, outside of Barcelona
Fortuny i Velázquez, Pere. Testimony of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist Dictatorship. University of California, San Diego, 2009
Mollet del Vallès, Spain :, Spanish Civil War Memory Project, 2009
moving image
3 video files : digital, sound, color
Nonfiction films
Personal narratives-Spanish
Civil War (Spain : 1936-1939)
Oral history
Esquerra republicana de Catalunya
Catalonia (Spain)
Barcelona (Spain)
Catalonia (Spain)
Barcelona (Spain)

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