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Formerly owned by Matthew Wills ([June 1974 version]) Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 (https://lib.ucsd.edu/sca) "Nei bu xue xi can kao cai liao" --Cover Title from cover "Yi jiu qi si nian liu yue" --Cover [China] : [publisher not identified] 天津站批林批孔理论小组 (Tianjin zhan pi Lin pi Kong li lun xiao zu) Chun qiu Zhan guo, Qin shi qi / Wang Boqian, Xue Qingquan, Su Hangying -- Liang Han, San guo shi qi / Tian Zhishun, Du Yushu, Ni Baoqin -- Tang, Song, Ming, Qing shi qi / Liu Wanlu, Fan Chenzhong, Nie Zixia 春秋战国、秦时期 / 王伯谦, 薛清泉, 苏航英 -- 两汉、三国时期 / 田致顺, 杜玉书, 倪宝琴 -- 唐、宋、明、清时期 / 刘万禄, 范臣中, 聂紫霞
32 pages ; 19 cm
Philosophy, Confucian Legalism (Chinese philosophy) History Philosophy, Chinese China
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