Under copyright Constraint(s) on Use: This work is protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use of this work beyond that allowed by "fair use" requires written permission of the UC Regents. Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made to the UC San Diego Library program having custody of the work. Use: This work is available from the UC San Diego Library. This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, and private study.
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Reynolds, Roger, 1934-
Performing Arts (including Performance Art) Film, Audio, Video and Digital Art Premiere performance of "Ping" at Toru Takemitsu's Festival "Orchestral Space '68". Photos were taken in association with the two Japanese performances (one in June of 1968, that other a year later). Photos were also taken during rehearsals (with and without full performance conditions involving black-out and projections). It is therefore not always possible to know with which circumstance (The 1968 "Music Today" festival or the 1969 “CROSSTALK Intermedia”) a photo is associated. So far as I am aware, no photos were taken during the 1968 UCSD performance when I was serving as a Regent's Lecturer in the UCSD Music Department. UC San Diego Library, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0175 (https://library.ucsd.edu/dc/contact) Based on: Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989. Ping Part of: Toru Takemitsu's Festival "Orchestral Space '68" In performance, both a filmed image and a succession of slides that present the completer Beckett text sequentially are shown. The text slides are subjected to continuous visual alteration by means of prisms and colored filters. Tokyo, Japan
Multimedia works Music festivals Music--Performance Photographs Kumagai, Hirosh
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