CIL:50583, MiniSOG+ ipRGC axon labeling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus
Bushong, Eric Deerinck, Thomas J Ellisman, Mark Ellisman, Maya Hatori, Megumi Ju, Suyeon Kim, Keun-Young Le, Hiep Lev-Ram, Varda Liu, Cindy Mure, Ludovic Panda, Satchidananda Panda, Sneha Perez, Alex Phan, Sébastien Rios, Luis Yoon, Sanghee
Bushong, Eric Deerinck, Thomas J. Ellisman, Mark Ellisman, Maya Hatori, Megumi Ju, Suyeon Kim, Keun-Young Le, Hiep Lev-Ram, Varda Liu, Cindy Mure, Ludovic Panda, Satchidananda Panda, Sneha Perez, Alex Phan, Sébastien Rios, Luis Yoon, Sanghee
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MiniSOG+ ipRGC axon labeling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) We have labeled ipRGCs with a genetically encoded and membrane-tethered version of miniSOG and systematically mapped their axonal arbors within 3D SBEM volumes of mouse ON, SCN, OPN, vLGN, IGL, and dLGN. Although ipRGCs have been classified into up to 6 different subtypes based on their dendritic arbors in the retina, there is no conclusive evidence that any subtype specifically and exclusively targets any brain region. By quantitatively determining the ultrastructural features of ipRGC synaptic contacts and intracellular machinery within these volumes, we discovered salient target-specific synaptic properties of ipRGCs. Research Data Curation Program, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 ( Kim, Keun-Young; Rios, Luis; Le, Hiep; Perez, Alex; Phan, Sébastien; Bushong, Eric; Deerinck, Thomas J.; Liu, Cindy; Ellisman, Maya; Lev-Ram, Varda; Ju, Suyeon; Panda, Sneha; Yoon, Sanghee; Mure, Ludovic; Hatori, Megumi; Ellisman, Mark; Panda, Satchidananda (2021). CIL:50583, MiniSOG+ ipRGC axon labeling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In Cell Image Library. UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. Dataset.
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