The Cosby Show is an American television sitcom starring Bill Cosby, which aired for eight seasons on NBC from September 20, 1984, until April 30, 1992. The show focuses on the Huxtable family, an upper middle-class African-American family living in Brooklyn, New York. Lilakoi Moon (born Lisa Michelle Bonet) is an American actress best known for her role as Denise Huxtable on the sitcom "The Cosby Show." and its spinoff comedy, "A Different World," for its first season (1987–88). Phylicia Rashād is an actress, singer and stage director. She is known for her role as Clair Huxtable "The Cosby Show" (1984–92), which earned her Emmy Award nominations in 1985 and 1986. Tempestt Bledsoe is an African American actress best known for her childhood role as Vanessa Huxtable on "The Cosby Show" (1984–92). Keshia Knight Pulliam is an African American actress known for her childhood role as Rudy Huxtable, the youngest child of Cliff and Clair Huxtable on the NBC sitcom "The Cosby Show" (1984–92). Publicity photo of the cast of "The Cosby Show." From front left: Keshia Knight Pulliam, Tempestt Bledsoe. Center row: Bill Cosby, Phylicia Rashad. Back row: Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Lisa Bonet. Bill Cosby is an American stand-up comedian, actor, musician, and author. He produced and starred in the television sitcom "The Cosby Show" (1984-1992) and "A Different World" (1996-2000). Malcolm-Jamal Warner is an American actor, musician, director, producer, writer and consultant. He is best known for his role as Theo Huxtable on "The Cosby Show."
uclalsc_1889_b22_f12_004a.tif ark:/21198/z16q3ffb
African American comedians African American actors African American actresses Situation comedies (Television programs) Pulliam, Keshia Knight Cosby, Bill, 1937- Bledsoe, Tempestt Warner, Malcolm-Jamal Bonet, Lisa,1967- Rashad, Phylicia, 1948- Cosby show (Television program : 1984-1992)
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