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Image / Vous le trouvez craquant? Dites-vous que ses "ex" aussi. [inscribed]

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Vous le trouvez craquant? Dites-vous que ses "ex" aussi. [inscribed]
Alternative Title
Do you find him sexy and seductive? His "ex" probably did too.
Protégez-vous du sida
Publication Information
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Medicine and Science
AIDS Posters Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Additional poster text: L'été est le moment propice au coup de foudre. Parler du préservatif ensemble et l'utiliser systématiquement, permettent de se protéger. Contempler un homme, lui sussurer des mots, sortir avec lui, ne dit rien de son passé. Alors si vous craquez, n'oubliez pas le préservatif et ce, dès la première fois. Pour en parler, Sida Info Service au
To the right of the text is a photograph of an attractive young caucasian man with a bare, muscular torso, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. He is smiling sweetly and seductively into the face of the viewer. The message is, when you suddenly fall for someone and want to make love, do not forget to use a condom for protection, even from the very first time. Protect yourselves from AIDS. A colored picture of a condom is inset at the bottom.
Date on back of poster, 1997, reflects when the vendor received the copy later acquired by the UCLA Library.
Poster held by Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. History & Special Collections, Collection no. 306, item FR016.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--prevention & control
Chests (Anatomy)
AIDS (Disease)--Prevention
Hotlines (Communication)
Safe Sex
Safe sex in AIDS prevention
AIDS Posters Collection

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