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Image / New calendar project, calendar of people who lived with AIDS [inscribed]

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New calendar project, calendar of people who lived with AIDS [inscribed]
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Paris (France)
Association positifs (Paris, France)
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Medicine and Science
AIDS Posters Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Additional poster text, located on top half of poster, describing the development of the calendar: In order not to forget the people who have fought AIDS, to show the spread of the epidemic and to warn as many people as possible, particularly those who still feel that AIDS does not concern them, we wish to create a new calendar, adding to the one already in existence, where each day is given the first name of a person who died of AIDS....
Bottom half of poster shows calendar styled like a day planner, with name of each month highlighted in red, and with first names of AIDS victims in black. The calendar is shaped like the letter T, and forms the beginning of the word "time." Invites readers to participate in the calendar project.
Presented in conjunction with the XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, 1996; updated in 1999. First model of the calendar was published in issue no. 23 (Jan. 1996) of 'Sida Tout Va Bien,' the newsletter of the Association positifs.
Poster held by Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. History & Special Collections, Collection no. 306, item FR035.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--prevention & control
Dead persons
AIDS (Disease)--Social aspects
AIDS (Disease)--Patients
AIDS Posters Collection

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