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Image / Aids und Familie

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Aids und Familie
Alternative Title
AIDS and the family
Publication Information
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Medicine and Science
AIDS Posters Collection
Rights Information
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Poster held by Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. History & Special Collections, Collection no. 306, item GW137b.
Poster has a short story for the words,Worries, Hope, Memories, Support, Gossip. For worries, Ina is an infected single mother who worries about the care of her daughter when she dies. For hope, Margot and Peter have taken on four-year old Tobias whose parents died of AIDS, they hope there will be a cure soon. For memories, Marianne lost both her sons to AIDS, she is having a difficult time adjusting, even though they died some time ago. For support, Jorge was accompanied by his friend Marcus when Jorge found out he had AIDS; Marcus is supportive, non-judgmental and not HIV-infected. For gossip, Kai lives in a small town, the last time his brother, Manfred, visited his family, they were shocked at his sickly appearance. His parents worry about what the neighbors are thinking. Poster sums up their stories, bringing up issues and questions. AIDS is a big challenge to those infected and their friends and families. They're dealing with the situation. How to cope with the terminally ill. A loved one will die, they wonder why it happened to them and how they can help.
Care of persons
AIDS (Disease)--Social aspects
AIDS Posters Collection

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