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Image / Sans? Sans moi

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Sans? Sans moi
Alternative Title
Without it? Without me.
Publication Information
Basel (Switzerland)
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Medicine and Science
AIDS Posters Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Additional poster text: Campagne de prévention de l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA, en collaboration avec l'Office fédéral de la santé publique.
Poster held by Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. History & Special Collections, Collection no. 306, item SZ019.
A color photograph shows a good-looking young man seated in the driver's seat of a red convertable sports car with the top down, parked on the street in front of a building in a city. His left arm rests on the top of the door, while his right arm is toward the viewer; his right hand is closed in a "thumbs up" sign, with a condom on his thumb. He wears a black leather jacket and his sunglasses are shoved back on the top of his black curley hair. The message is that a sporty young gay man will not have sex unless condoms are used.
A decal on the windshield shows "92" possibly a year of registration of the automobile.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--prevention & control
Gay men
Leather garments
Sports cars
Safe Sex
Safe sex in AIDS prevention
AIDS Posters Collection

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