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Text of press release:"BONNIE CASHINWeatherwear for Russ TaylorDivision of Russel Taylor,Inc.512 Seventh AvenueNew York, N.Y. 10018For release: On or after Saturday-Sunday1 June 14-15, 1980.Bonnie Cashin creates the ‘Cashinette’, a petite hooded canvas storm cover lined with the look of sheared nutria. To make it as functional as it is fashionable, Bonnie adds details like roomy raglan sleeves, turn-lock closings, a tube belt and her innovative pocketbook frame pocket. Rain, snow, sleet and stain resistant in red, black, turf or cork. From Bonnie Cashin’s Fall 1980 Collection for Weatherwear.Style: #3336Suggested retail price: $250.--"
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