UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections, A1713 Young Research Library, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. E-mail: spec-coll@library.ucla.edu. Phone: (310)825-5009
Antiphonal. Parchment, 1 leaf cropped at margins. 12 lines of text with music; ruling not discernible. Liturgical gothic bookhand (littera textualis formata); dark brown ink. Primary initials alternately red and blue; initials in the text are elaborate brown majuscule slashed with red; music in square notation on staves of 4 red lines. A gothic cursive hand (s. XV) entered several notes on the recto, upside down, when leaf was a pastedown, including "Averrois commentator cum titulos fidei voluit probare rationibus nec potuit quare apostata in fede factus est"; "Sanctus Vincentius ordinis predicatorum habuit illum donum gratie, quod loquebatur suo sermone intelligibatur ab omnibus hominibus diversarum nationum." Used as a pastedown in binding: the verso is badly rubbed.
Hathaway collection of music manuscript leaves 170/ 768 v.2 ark:/21198/zz000bjg4g
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