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Title: Kanz al-ḥaqāʾiq; At the end of the text there is a short excerpt from ʿAṭṭār's Manṭiq al-Ṭayr.Title: Ẕikr-i naṣāyiḥ; Heading purports this item to be advice written by Niẓām al-Mulk for his son. Appears to be incomplete.Title: Chand qiṣṣah; End of manuscript contains various short works in prose with titles such as: al-Qālib-i sādāt-i ʿaẓām, Dar duʿāʾ-yi pādishāhān, al-Qālib-i mustawfān and one incomplete poem. Authors are unknown
411 ark:/21198/zz000srkzd Caro Minasian Collection of Persian and Arabic Manuscripts, box 56, 411
Minasian (Caro) Collection of Persian and Arabic Manuscripts
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