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/ Sun Ra and the Sun Ra Arkestra performing in 1980s [descriptive]

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Sun Ra and the Sun Ra Arkestra performing in 1980s [descriptive]
Weber, Mark, 1953-
Date Created and/or Issued
[between 1981 and 1985?]
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Performing Arts
Weber (Mark) Jazz Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Black and white photograph of the Sun Ra Arkestra performing at an unknown location, most likely taken in the early 1980s. American jazz composer, bandleader and keyboard player Sun Ra (wearing a turban) is visible at the keyboards on the left, and an unknown caped saxophonist (possibly John Gilmore?) is performing on the right.

No linguistic content
Keyboard players--United States
Keyboard instruments
Saxophonists--United States
Sun Ra Arkestra
Gilmore, John, 1931-1995
Weber (Mark) Jazz Collection

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