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/ Party at photographer George Cutler's house, Los Angeles, 1940s

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Party at photographer George Cutler's house, Los Angeles, 1940s
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Walter L. Gordon, Jr./William C. Beverly, Jr. Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Seated on floor (L to R): Lillian Fentress, Chester Washington, Bessie Gant, an unidentified woman, Cullen Fentress. Seated on the couch (L to R): Maudelle Richardson, Gladys Hill, Herman Hill, an unidentified woman, a man identified by his last name "Stubberfield" and an unidentified man. Standing (L to R): an unidentified woman and man, Lois Evans, and George Cutler.
All information concerning the content and description of the image was provided by Walter Gordon.
Photograph likely taken at the house of a photographer named Cutler; it isn't known if it was Harry Cutler or George Cutler (or neither).

Collection 1867 Box 2 Folder 2
No linguistic content
African American newspaper editors--California--Los Angeles
Parties--California--Los Angeles
African American journalists--California--Los Angeles
Hill, Gladys, b. 1907 or 08
Cutler, George M. (George Miles), 1901-1949
Evans, Lois J., 1913-1986
Gant, Bess M., 1896-1962
Fentress, J. Cullen, 1910-1989
Fentress, Lillian
Hill, Herman, 1906-1991
Washington, Chester L
Richardson, Maudelle, b. 1912
Walter L. Gordon, Jr./William C. Beverly, Jr. Collection

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