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/ International Film and Radio Guild (IFRG) fetes journalists, Los Angeles…

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International Film and Radio Guild (IFRG) fetes journalists, Los Angeles, Feb. 22, 1946
Date Created and/or Issued
Feb. 22, 1946
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Walter L. Gordon, Jr./William C. Beverly, Jr. Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
L to R: Stanley Mosk, Earl Griffin, Ted Le Berthon (possibly), Lena Horne (in hat), C.W. Hill (behind Ms. Horne), a man named Silverton (first name unknown), unidentified woman.
The man standing 3rd from the left was identified by Mr. Gordon as journalist Ted Le Berthon, but the man's identity is undetermined.
All information concerning the content and description of the image was provided by Walter Gordon.
Photograph taken at Dr. C. W. Hill's house in Hollywood, at an International Film and Radio Guild (IFRG) program before an audience of journalists. The purpose of the IFRG was to protect the rights and interests of minorities in the entertainment world.

Collection 1867 Box 2 Folder 2
No linguistic content
Jewish judges--California--Los Angeles
African American entertainers
Griffin, Earl
Horne, Lena
Le Berthon, Ted, 1892-1960
Mosk, Stanley, 1912-2001
Hill, C. W. (Charles Wesley), Dr., 1900-1977
Walter L. Gordon, Jr./William C. Beverly, Jr. Collection

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