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/ Planning commissioners for the National Association of Negro Musicians…

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Planning commissioners for the National Association of Negro Musicians, Los Angeles, 1949
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Walter L. Gordon, Jr./William C. Beverly, Jr. Collection
Rights Information
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All information concerning the content and description of the image was provided by Walter Gordon.
Photograph appeares in the Los Angeles Sentinel, "Plan National Musicians Convention," 3 Mar.: 1949, A2
Text from newspaper caption: Commissioners confer -- The Central Colony of the LosAngeles Planning Commissioners for the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc., met at a dinner meeting here last Friday night. Plans for the annual musicians convention, slated for Los Angles August 21-26, were discussed. Shown above seated. left to right, are: Mrs. Evelyn Williams, Cleveland Kelly, Mrs. Lilly T. Hogue, Albert McNeil, state organizer; Mrs. Lillian Peters, Washington, D.C.; Walter Miller, and Mrs. Blanche Porter. Standing, starting at the left are Charles Williams, Horace Pettibone Clark, Jr., George Ramsey, of San Diego; Miss Gwendolyn Herriel, Cortez peters, Washington, D.C.' Rev. George Garner, regional director; Dr. H. Hamilton Williams, Miss Eleanor Richards, secretary local branch; "Doc" Young, Sentinel sports editor, and Hester Orticke. [The person identified as Hester Orticke is a man, and is possibly Lester Lionel Orticke, who lived in Los Angeles at this time.]

Collection 1867 Box 6 Folder 3
No linguistic content
African American musicians
Ramsey, George A. (George Alvetta), 1889-1963
National Association of Negro Musicians (U.S.)
Richards, Eleanor
Peters, Lillian
Peters, Cortez
Hogue, Lilly T., 1889-1977
Orticke, Lester Lionel, 1922-1966
Harriel, Gwendolyn C. Becks, 1923-1952
Porter, Blanche
Williams, Charles Henry, d. 1966
Miller, Walter
Kelly, Cleveland
Clark, Horace Pettibone, Jr., 1919-1997
McNeil, Albert
Williams, H. Hamilton, 1911-1981
Garner, George, 1892-1971
Walter L. Gordon, Jr./William C. Beverly, Jr. Collection

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