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Image / Boy Scout Troop 47 drinking hot chocolate after being marooned…

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Boy Scout Troop 47 drinking hot chocolate after being marooned overnight in the Arroyo Seco Canyon, Los Angeles, December 9, 1946
Date Created and/or Issued
December 9, 1946
Publication Information
Los Angeles Daily News
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Daily News Negatives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Twenty-one Boy Scouts and three leaders from Troop 47 in Los Angeles drinking hot chocolate after being marooned overnight on a bluff 1000 feet above the canyon floor in the Upper Arroyo Seco Canyon. The scouts became lost on their way back during a seven mile hike between Switzer's Camp and Oake Wilde. The troop lit matches to signal a rescue party of parents, deputy sheriffs, and county prisoners. One of the leaders, David Swaim, suffered a minor heart attack two miles from camp so the scouts carried him the rest of the way on a stretcher.
Text from original nitrate sleeve: Boy Scouts - Troop 47 Geo. Washington Dist.; Lost in Mountains - near Switzerland Canyon - 1946
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Eating & drinking--California--Los Angeles
Lost persons--California--Los Angeles
Hiking--California--Los Angeles
Rescues--California--Los Angeles
Boys--California--Los Angeles
Boy Scouts of America
Los Angeles Daily News Negatives

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