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Image / Portrait of Dr. St. Louis Albert Estes with his fist raised, between …

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Portrait of Dr. St. Louis Albert Estes with his fist raised, between 1933 and 1936
University of California, Los Angeles. -- Library. -- Dept. of Special Collections (repository)
Bartlett, Adelbert, 1887-1966 (photographer)
Estes, St. Louis A. (subject)
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Bartlett (Adelbert) Papers
Rights Information
The copyright holder of these items has granted the UC Regents permission to make them publicly available on the web.
Dr. St. Louis Estes, wearing tweed suit, tie, and round glasses, with fist raised
Text from negative sleeve: 2385. 26 negs. Dr Estes children. Dr St Louis Estes. 1928 to 1936. Photo by Adelbert Bartlett, Los Angeles, California.
Dr. St. Louis Albert Estes (1876-1951) was an American doctor and the author of Raw Food and Health. He lived in Van Nuys, California in the late 1920s and early 1930s, and had 3 children with his first wife in the 1910s, 12 children with his second wife in the 1920s and 1930s.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
1 photographic negative
No linguistic content
Physical fitness -- California
Adelbert Bartlett Papers. Department of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA
ark:/21198/zz002bd831 (negative)

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