University of California, Los Angeles. -- Library. -- Dept. of Special Collections (repository) Bartlett, Adelbert, 1887-1966 (photographer) Tournament of Roses (subject)
copyrighted The copyright holder of these items has granted the UC Regents permission to make them publicly available on the web.
Handwritten at edge of negative: 2080 Text from nitrate negative sleeve: 2077 2078 - 2079 - 2080 [other numbers torn off at top] Pasadena Rose Tournament NYear 1927 to 1950, 11, 6x8 [Struck out: 1926, 192[4?] 2081 2082 2083 Panorama of Santa Monica bay from Palisades Park, showing beach clubs popular with movie and tourist groups] Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds. Man in top hat, bow tie, checked pants, and blackface, person in tutu, with crowd in background
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