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Image / Jury and defendant, William James (Curly) Guy visit Walter…

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Jury and defendant, William James (Curly) Guy visit Walter Wanderwell's yacht, Carma, Los Angeles, 1933
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa February 4, 1933]
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
UCLA Library Special Collections, A1713 Charles E. Young Research Library, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Email: Phone: (310) 825-4988
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Haynes Foundation funds.
A different photograph of the same event appears in a mini photo spread titled, "Jury Gets First-Hand View of Yacht where Assassin Slew Globe Trotter," Los Angeles Times, 04 Feb. 1933: A2
A similar photograph of the same event appears with the caption, "Widow of Wanderwell Shown on Witness Stand in Long Beach Trial When jury viewed the scene of Capt. Walter Wanderwell's death aboard his schooner Carma. Left--Mrs. Aloha Wanderwell, widow of slain man, testifying at trial. Center--Judge, jury and defendant (arrow points to Guy) inspect cabin entrance from which murderer fled. Left--Defendant Guy (left) and Superior Judge Kenny (right) on dock waiting to go aboard ship," Los Angeles Times, 04 Feb. 1933: A2
A very similar photograph appears with the article, "WANDERWELL'S WIDOW HEARD: Witness Tells of Rows Guy Had With Husband Murder Defendant Sought Cash, She Declares Judge and Jury Visit Ship Where Slaying Occurred," Los Angeles Times, 04 Feb. 1933: A1
Walter Wanderwell's yacht, Carma, is viewed from an elevated perspective as it stretches across the image in the near distance. It stretches back on an angle to the right and beyond the frame on both sides. Aboard the ship, jurors and court personnel stand on the deck. About a dozen or so people stand in front of the yacht's cabin on the left side and face towards the right. About 10 or so people stand in front of another cabin at right; they face towards the left. William James (Curly) Guy stands between the 2 groups at center and faces towards camera. Behind him, the yacht's mast extends up and out-of-frame. In the background, buildings stand on the wharves of Fish Harbor.
Text from negative sleeve: WANDERWELL, WALTER MURDER CASE 1933
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Terminal Island (Calif.)
Judicial proceedings--California--Long Beach
Juries--California--Los Angeles
Yachts--American--California--Los Angeles
Guy, William James, d. 1941
Wanderwell, Walter, b. 1896 or 98-1932
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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