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Image / Captain Walter Wanderwell and Dorothy Dawn salute the camera…

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Captain Walter Wanderwell and Dorothy Dawn salute the camera from fleet car No. 2 while visiting Los Angeles, Los Angeles, [1932]
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa August 11, 1932]
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
UCLA Library Special Collections, A1713 Charles E. Young Research Library, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Email: Phone: (310) 825-4988
Access to this collection is generously supported by Haynes Foundation funds.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
A different photograph of the same event appears with the article, "TOUR CHAMPIONS VISIT CITY Wanderwells Plan South Seas Trip," Los Angeles Times, 11 Aug. 1932: A2
From left to right, Captain Walter Wanderwell and Dorothy Dawn ride in fleet car no. 2 in the near distance at center. The car is viewed from the side and faces right. Captain Wanderwell sits in rear seat and Dorothy Dawn sits in the front seat. Both look to camera and raise their arms out the car window to salute. Beneath the car's windows, a band of collected insignias decorate the car. On the front door of the car it reads, "WORK AROUND THE WORLD EDUCATIONAL CLUB." To the right of this text, a monkey sits on the running board. Beside the monkey, additional text on the car reads, "TO SMASH WORLDS AUTO-TOURING RECORD SET BY - CAR NO-2-WANDERWAL- 2 NOW IN FORD MUSEUM U.S.A. AFTER CROSSING 43 COUNTRIES [FOR] THE CAUSE OF WORLD PEACE," and, "AROUND THE WORLD WITH Leica CAM[ERA]S." Towards the rear of the vehicle, at left, a police officer stands. A few children stand directly behind him near the left edge. Behind the car, on-lookers crowd the opposite curb. A building stretches behind them and across the image. Two identical posters affixed to the center window read, "LOS ANGELES TIMES OLYMPIC GAMES EDITIONS JULY 31 AUG. 15 16 ISSUES Mail Them Everywhere."
A similar photograph of the same event is captioned, "Schooner Voyage Next on Program Capt. Walter Wanderwall and Dorothy Dawn with car No. 4 of fleet that has taken party through many lands," Los Angeles Times, 11 Aug. 1932: A2
Text from negative sleeve: WANDERWELL, WALTER MURDER CASE 1933
Handwritten on negative: Walter Wanderwell, Dorothy Dawn
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Travelers--American--California--Los Angeles
Automobiles--American--California--Los Angeles
Crowds--California--Los Angeles
Wanderwell, Walter, b. 1896 or 98-1932
Dawn, Dorothy
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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