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Image / Close-up view of a damaged Los Angeles Aqueduct feeder pipe, Inyo…

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Close-up view of a damaged Los Angeles Aqueduct feeder pipe, Inyo County vicinity, [about 1927]
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa May, 1927]
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
UCLA Library Special Collections, A1713 Charles E. Young Research Library, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Email: Phone: (310) 825-4988
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Haynes Foundation funds.
This photograph is possibly related to a different photograph of the same damaged Los Angeles Aqueduct pipe that appears with the article, “POLICE READY TO RUSH NORTH: Armed Men Prepared for New Aqueduct Trouble Investigation by Grand Jury May Be Requested State Senator Swing Offers Aid to End Feud Clew Found in Siphon Blast Detectives on Trail of City Aqueduct Dynamiters Repairs Rushed on Break in No-Name Canyon Water Department Brands Outrages as ‘Outlawry,’” Los Angeles Time, 30 May 1927: A1
Possibly related to a similar image of a damaged aqueduct pipe viewed from a different angle captioned, “Rent in Power House Feeder Pipe Where Second Aqueduct Dynamiting Occurred A gaping rent was torn by Owens Valley dynamiters in the penstock, or feeder pipe, leading to Big Pine Power House No. 3 in the second Aqueduct blast last week. It took place early Saturday morning. The destruction of the pipe did not interfere with the Aqueduct itself, but put the power house out of commission.” Los Angeles Times, 30 May 1927: A1
A feeder pipe spans the width of the bottom edge of the image and narrows as it extends back towards center. Along its left side, a bulge is visible. Further down, another bulge extends out from the right side. Trenched earth and rocky rubble surround both sides of the pipe.
Text from negative sleeve: LOS ANGELES AQUEDUCT [handwritten:] Los Angeles Aqueduct
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Pipes (Conduits)--California--Inyo County
Bombings--California--Inyo County
Los Angeles Aqueduct (Calif.)
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection
OpenUCLA Collections

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