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Image / Leonard Meyberg, Mark F. Jones, Velma McKnight and James…

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Leonard Meyberg, Mark F. Jones, Velma McKnight and James McKnight in court, Los Angeles, 1932
Date Created and/or Issued
April 14, 1933
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Councilman McKnight has been acquitted of a charge of giving perjured testimony before a grand jury, denying a meeting between former political aide Leonard M. Woodward and representatives of the Fontana Farms Company to discuss renewal of a garbage-disposal contract.
Photograph appears with the article, "M'Knight Cleared of Perjury," Los Angeles Times, 15 Apr 1933: A1.
Velma and James embrace from the side. Leonard Meyberg sits beside them and smiles while Mark Jones stands over Velma with his hand on her chair. People sitting in the courtroom can be seen behind them.
Text from negative sleeve: MCKNIGHT, JAMES S. COUNCILMAN, 1932
Handwritten on negative: LtoR Leonard Meyberg, Mark F. Jones, Mrs. Velma McKnight, James S. McKnight
Text from newspaper caption: When Acquittal Verdict Was Received Left to right-Leonard Meyberg, attorney; Mark F. Jones, attorney; Mrs. Velma McKnight and Councilman McKnight.
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Courtrooms--California--Los Angeles
Spouses--California--Los Angeles
Law & legal affairs--California--Los Angeles
City council members--California--Los Angeles
Lawyers--California--Los Angeles
McKnight, Velma, b. 1891 or 92
McKnight, James S., b. 1885 or 86
Jones, Mark F
Meyberg, Leonard
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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