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Image / Lois Burr and Pat Graham hold the top of a giant orange …

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Lois Burr and Pat Graham hold the top of a giant orange in which May Betteridge, Queen of the National Orange Show, sits, San Bernardino, 1934
Date Created and/or Issued
February 15, 1934
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Related to Los Angeles Times article, "Orange King Holds Sway: Governor Opens Annual Show: Many-Hued Exhibits Glisten Amid Snowy Setting in Winter Palace: Los Angeles' Huge Futuristic Tower Holds Attention; Horses in Preview," 16 Feb. 1934: A1.
May Betteridge appears in Los Angeles Times reportage from 1929 to 1934 and again in 1949-1950. She was known for her "little-theater" work by 1928 and was the National Orange Show Queen in 1934.
Lois Burr and Pat Graham hold the top of a giant orange in which May Betteridge, Queen of the National Orange Show, sits. Ms. Betteridge holds a basket of oranges. The top of the orange is lined inside with a metallic material. The Sunkist display is visible in the background. Ms. Betteridge emerged from the giant orange during her coronation as Queen of the show.
Text from negative sleeve: National Orange Show 1934
Text from newspaper caption: Orange Show Glitters in Winter Motif: Misses Lois Burr, May Betteridge and Pat Graham and "the" orange of the show [Los Angeles Times, 16 Feb. 1934: A3]
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Agricultural exhibits--California--San Bernardino
Citrus fruit industry--California--San Bernardino
Oranges--California--San Bernardino
National Orange Show
Graham, Pat
Betteridge, May Isabelle, 1905-1984
Burr, Lois
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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