Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds. Related to Los Angeles Times article, April 19, 1906, “Heart is Torn From Great City. San Francisco Nearly Destroyed by Earthquakes and Fire, Hundreds of Killed and Injured, Destruction of Other Coast Cities, California’s Greatest Horror.” San Francisco, April 19.—It looks now as if the entire city would be burned, following the great quake of yesterday. ... At 10 o’clock at night, the fire was unabated, and thousands of people are fleeing to the hills and clamoring for places on ferry boats. The damage is now believed to have reached $200,000,000 and 50,000 people are thought to be homeless. ... At 10 p. m. last night the newspapers ceased all effort to collect news, and the Associated Press force is compelled to act independently. ... Tossing Six Hours on Seismic Waves. San Francisco, April 18.—During six hours of mortal dread and nameless terror San Francisco was today tossed upon the seismic waves of the most disastrous earthquake known to the history or the traditions of America’s west coast. In the mad confusion and helpless horror of this night uncounted bodies of dead men and women are lying in morgues and under uplifted walls. ... Fire and flame have added to the destruction, the ruination and despair. The material losses are beyond computation. ... There is no witness of this day’s story whose tongue or pen can describe the wreck and ruin, the death, the doom, the despair and suffering that lies on every hand. ... surrounded by explosions of illuminating and sewer gas. … The Southern Pacific is doing its utmost to get people out the city, and not charging refugees for transportation. ... Prof. George Davidson, of the University of California, formerly connected with the United States Geodetic Survey, said tonight: “The earthquakes came from north to south … Regarding the cause, I maintain, as I always have, that it is the earth cooling on the inside. The cooling brings about contraction, which is bound to bring about a readjustment of the earth’s surface. …” The entire waterfront district of the metropolis is made ground … Included in this area … Palace and Grand Hotels … Merchants Exchange … Stock Exchange … Nevada Bank, Western Union and Postal telegraph offices, the Crocker building … the Chronicle, the Examiner and the sixteen-story Call newspaper building. … From the ruins of the buildings shaken down by the five quakes that followed in such close succession, arose great bursts of flames which swept inward from the bay. … With water mains broken, fire department powerless, and flames spreading; with morgues and hospitals filled to overflowing; with electric lights and power wires down, and telephone and telegraph communication cut off; with railroads crippled … and with panic rampant, the condition of San Francisco was one of almost benumbing horror. … Remains of many destroyed buildings, including some clearly visible stairways, with street in foreground, man and woman, partially visible, walking in left foreground, 2 men walking on other side of street in midground, with other streets going up hills in background Text from nitrate negative sleeve: California, San Francisco, Fire, After the
b&w nitrate negative
uclamss_1429_0668 0668 ark:/21198/zz002db054
No linguistic content
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, Calif., 1906 Earthquakes--California--San Francisco Disaster Fires--California--San Francisco Environment
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