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Image / Possible bridal procession on horseback at the parade for the Old…

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Possible bridal procession on horseback at the parade for the Old Spanish Days Fiesta, Santa Barbara, 1932
Date Created and/or Issued
August 18, 1932
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Possible bridal procession at the parade for the Old Spanish Days Fiesta in Santa Barbara. View of 1 couple and 6 men in Spanish-style dress on horseback. The woman wears a light-colored dress with ruffles and a lace mantilla over a high comb. The men wear dark, close-fitting embroidered suits with short jackets and hats with ribbon bands. The couple may be the bride and groom who were married during the fiesta that year as described in a 8/19/1932 Los Angeles Times article titled "Historic Pageant Opens Santa Barbara Fiesta..." stating "The bridal pair on horseback were escorted by many riders by caballero and senorita, while a creaking careta carried members of the family of both bride and groom."
Text from negative sleeve: California, Santa Barbara, Fiesta, Aug. 18, 1932
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Festivals--California--Santa Barbara
Horses--California--Santa Barbara
Weddings--California--Santa Barbara
Parades & processions--California--Santa Barbara
Old Spanish Days Fiesta (Santa Barbara, Calif.)
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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