Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds. Access to this collection is generously supported by Haynes Foundation funds. George Young, 17-year-old swimmer from Toronto, won the Wrigley Ocean Marathon swim from Catalina Island to Point Vicente, along the California coast. The 22 mile swim took him 15 hours and 44 minutes and earned him a $25,000 prize. Margaret C. Hauser of Long Beach and Martha Stager of Portland, Oregon also swam the marathon but did not finish. A different photograph taken on the same occasion appears with the article, “Young Riding Tide of Fame,” Los Angeles Times, 18 Jan 1927: A1. George Young stands among a crowd after his famous swim across the Catalina Channel. Text from negative sleeve: Yong, Geo. (no contact print made Handwritten on negative: Geo Young
b&w nitrate negative
uclamss_1429_2628 ark:/21198/zz002dcf5v
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Swimmers--California--Los Angeles Young, George, 1910-1972
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