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Image / "Call of the Battalion," Odometer scene, at the Pioneer Day Festival…

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"Call of the Battalion," Odometer scene, at the Pioneer Day Festival in Centinela Park, Inglewood, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
July 27, 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Scene from "Call of the Battalion" with William Clayton showing his invention, the odometer, to Apostle Willard Richards and Colonel Thomas L. Kane. They are gathered around a wooden work table near an open shed, with a covered wagon in the background.
Photograph appears with the article "'Call of Battalion' Lures Throng to Climax of Mormon Day," Los Angeles Times, 28 Jul. 1935: C12
Text from negative sleeve: 1714. Ben Sandford, left, Roy Barker, center, Alfred B. Hughes, right explaination [sic] of the odometer invention. Mormon Pageant in Inglewood. 7-26-35. [stamped:] Aug 22 1935.
Text from typescript document: "Odometer scene - Ben Sandford, as William Clayton, inventor; Roy Barker, as Apostle Willard Richards, and Alfred B. Hughes, as Col. Thos. L. Kane." [Image ark no. 21198/zz002ddv11]
Newspaper caption: William Clayton, portrayed by Ben Sanford, describes his invention, the odometer (the forerunner of the present day speedometer) to Apostle Willard Richards, played by Roy Barker, and Col Thomas L. Kane, portrayed by Alfred B. Hughes in the Mormon pageant at Inglewood last night.
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Pioneer Day (Mormon history)
Historical pageants--California--Inglewood
Hughes, Alfred Bailey, 1897-1968
Barker, Roy E
Sanford, Ben
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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