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Image / Merla and Patsy Lampton and Inez and Virginia Lee Welch prepare for …

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Merla and Patsy Lampton and Inez and Virginia Lee Welch prepare for the tennis club championship, Los Feliz, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
July 31, 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
The four ladies sit with one leg crossed over the other and hold their tennis rackets in their laps so they point in the same direction.
Photograph appears with the headline, "Mothers and Daughters Tennis Fans," Los Angeles Times, 11 Mar 1935: A6.
Text from newspaper caption: Mrs. Edgar Lampton, Patsy Lampton, Mrs. Cyril W. Welch and Virginia Lee Welch, mothers and daughters of the Los Feliz Women's Club, are vieing for the club tennis championship. Mrs. Lampton, chairman of the athletic division, is staging a tournament soon in which women from all of the Los Angeles may compete.
Text from negative sleeve: 1349 - Mrs Edgar Lampton Patsy Lampton Mrs Cyril W Welch Virginia Lu Welch [stamped:] Jul 31 1935
Handwritten on negative: 3- Mrs. Cyril W Welch 4 - Virginia Lee Welsh
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Mothers--California--Los Feliz
Daughters--American--California--Los Feliz
Tennis rackets
Sports--California--Los Feliz
Welch, Virginia Lee, b. 1923 or 24
Lampton, Merla, b. 1892 or 94
Welch, Inez, b. 1900 or 01-1968
Lampton, Patsy, 1922-2006
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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