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Image / Mayor Glenn Evans honors festival Queen Gabriela Quiroz with festival King Thomas …

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Mayor Glenn Evans honors festival Queen Gabriela Quiroz with festival King Thomas W. Temple, San Gabriel, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
September 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
A series of special events and entertainment including parades, music, and a coronation ceremony honoring the King and Queen of the festival - Thomas W. Temple and Gabriela Quiroz are some events of the three-day festival marking the Old Mission's 164th birthday anniversary.
Photograph appears with the article, "San Gabriel in Gay Color," Los Angeles Times, 07 Sep 1935: A5.
Mayor Evans places a crown on Gabriela's head. She wears a sash over her white dress. Thomas stands on the other side of her wearing a charro suit and sombrero, which Mayor Evans also wears.
Text from negative sleeve: 2050 - Preview of crowning fiesta Queen left to right. Mayor Glenn Evans, Gabriela Quiroz, Thomas Workman Temple 2nd. San Gabriel Fiesta 7-7-35 [stamped:] Sep 18 1935
Handwritten on negative: Thomas Workman Temple 2nd Gabriela Quiroz Glenn Evans
Text from newspaper caption: A preview coronation of Gabriela Quiroz as queen of La Fiesta de San Gabriel, opening today, was held yesterday. Left to right, Mayor Evans, Miss Quiroz and Thomas W. Temple.
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Anniversaries--California--San Gabriel
Mayors--California--San Gabriel
Festivals--California--San Gabriel
Quiroz, Gabriela, 1909-2006
Temple, Thomas Workman, 1905-1972
Evans, Glenn E., b. 1893
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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